Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope that the beautiful sunshine makes you lively and provides a ray of hope this weekend. We continue to pray for everyone’s good health and better days ahead.
Here are a few updates we’d like to share with you:
We are delighted that our school will be participating in the Luke 4:18 virtual mini Symposium entitled “Nurturing Hope in Creation.” This year’s Symposium will take place on Tuesday, May 18, 2021. Mrs. Lippi will join intermediate students Ava V., Christina B., Elizabeth M., Jose-Andres R.C., Steven C. and they will have opportunities to reflect and participate in activities related to this theme. We look forward to hearing about their experience.
We are in the process of planning our Grade 8 Graduation based on York Region Public Health and YCDSB directives. Please save the date: The Grade 8 Graduation will take place virtually on Tuesday, June 22nd at 7:00pm. Information regarding the graduation will be shared with parents as soon as plans have been finalized.
We recognize that some students still have belongings at school. As soon as we get direction from the Board, we will arrange for items to be picked up. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Our final Catholic School Council meeting for this school year will take place virtually on Tuesday, May 18 at 6:45pm. On behalf of the entire school community, we’d like to thank our Catholic School Council for their support this year. We look forward to getting back together in the fall to plan a variety of activities and events based on existing safety protocols. Thank you to:
Chair – Valentina Cestra
Co-Chair – Larissa Porciello
Secretary – Fiorella Lubertacci
Treasurer – Jennifer Sanginesi
Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE) – Francesca Bruno
Non-teaching Staff Representative – Mrs. Rita
Teaching Representatives – Mrs. Liegghio, Mrs. Maggisano, Mrs. Zoccoli
Vice Principal – Mrs. Crocitto
Principal – Mrs. D’Andrea
Members at Large
Cristina Santoro
Nadia Scaramuzzo
Lisa Tomada
Wishing you a wonderful week!
Mrs. D’Andrea Mrs. Crocitto
Principal Vice Principal