“All are Welcome” at St. Mary – Bullying Prevention and Intervention Week

November 21st-25th is Bullying Prevention and Intervention Week.  The theme this year is “All are Welcome!”  We believe in prevention through education and awareness so throughout the week, students will take part in several activities and presentations both in their classroom and as a whole school.  Daily bullying awareness announcements will be made after prayers by students and teachers will spend time on bullying prevention discussions and/or activities. 

On Friday, November 25th, we will welcome the Sadat Show to St. Mary.  

Saidat’s show for Grades JK-3, The Superpower of Kindness, will share ways students can show empathy, celebrate diversity, and find the courage to ask for help when they are unsure how to navigate bullying.  It will surely be an exciting and powerful school celebration with high-energy songs, engaging stories and group participation.

How to Survive School – Grades 4-8 Presentation:  If students spend over 1200 hours a year in school, why not teach them to find reasons to love being where they are?  Saidat’s show, “How to Survive School” will invite students to learn the life hack of “mindfulness” to overcome difficulties that school life may present.  Through real-life stories, music and interactive conversations, Saidat will encourage students to collectively find ways to move their energy by creating a learning environment that nurtures inclusion and respect.  One person can make a difference and together we can change the world!