Category: General

Weekly Update – Nov. 9-13

Dear Parents,

This weekend, we were treated to glorious weather to rejuvenate and re-fuel before we move into the cold months ahead.  We hope you have an opportunity to enjoy the sunshine and warm temperatures by engaging in outdoor activities with your children.  

At St. Mary, we continue to follow strict guidelines, procedures and protocols as outlined in the YCDSB re-entry ... Continue reading "Weekly Update – Nov. 9-13"

Introducing St. Mary Catholic School Council 2020-2021

Congratulations to the 2020-2021 St. Mary Catholic School Council.

Chair – Valentina Cestra

Co-Chair – Larissa Porciello

Secretary – Fiorella Lubertacci

Treasurer – Jennifer Sanginesi

Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE) – Francesca Bruno

Non-teaching Staff Representative – Mrs. ... Continue reading "Introducing St. Mary Catholic School Council 2020-2021"