
News Stories

Happy New Year – Parent Update

As we step into the new year, it brings us great joy to share with you the inspiring message from Pope Francis for 2024. Pope Francis has dedicated this year to the profound act of prayer, inviting Christians worldwide to deepen their connection with Christ and unlock the transformative power that lies within prayer. The Holy Father wants us to understand that prayer is more than

Order Snacks for Term 2 on School Day

It is our pleasure to bring St. Mary’s snack program to School Day under the Products Tab.  Parents are asked to pre-order weekly snacks through School Day.  A variety of cookies from Terracotta Cookies as well as Butter & Salt Popcorn will be available for purchase at a cost of $2.00/item and proceeds from the sale of snacks will be used to support initiatives such ... Continue reading "Order Snacks for Term 2 on School Day"

Preparing for Winter Weather

Please keep in mind that students go outdoors for two 15 minute recesses and one 40 minute lunch break, unless there is a severe weather warning. The procedures in Policy 221, Extreme Weather, requires Catholic School Councils to determine the extreme cold temperature, with wind chill at the beginning of each school year. The St. Mary Catholic School Council has agreed upon –18C for this ... Continue reading "Preparing for Winter Weather"

St. Mary Christmas Concert

On Tuesday, December 19th, we invite parents of students in Grades JK-3 to attend our St. Mary Christmas Concert. The Grade 1-3 Concert will be at 10:00 am and the Kindergarten Concert will be at 2:00pm.   Preparations are well underway.  All students in the school will see the entire concert at the dress rehearsal which will take place on Monday, December 18th in the afternoon.  ... Continue reading "St. Mary Christmas Concert"

Dance – A – Donation Fundraiser

Dear St. Mary Families,

St. Mary School will be holding its annual fundraiser through our Halloween Dance-a-Donation.  This school-based fundraiser will support Technology, Literacy, and Numeracy needs in our school.  All proceeds from this fundraising event will benefit our students in many ways.

This is our ONE major school-wide fundraiser and is a “Tax Deductible ... Continue reading "Dance – A – Donation Fundraiser"