
News Stories

Orange Shirt Day

Honouring & Remembering That Every Child Matters

At St. Mary we will be celebrating Orange Shirt Day on Wednesday, September 30th.  Students are invited to wear an orange shirt in honour of those who attended residential schools.  In an effort to raise awareness and honour our indigenous community we will be sharing messages of hope and reconcilia

Rowan’s Law Day

Concussion Awareness 

On October 2nd, students and Staff at St. Mary will be learning about Rowan and Rowan’s Law. We want to raise greater awareness about concussions by sharing Rowan’s Stringer’s story.  Rowan died in 2013 from experiencing a series of concussions while playing Rugby.  She didn’t know that her brain needed to heal and this eventually caused her death. While learning about ... Continue reading "Rowan’s Law Day"

Weekly Update – September 21-25

Dear Parents/Guardians,

What a wonderful start to the school year!  Now that all of our Mustangs are in the building and routines and safety protocols have been established, I’m happy to report that everyone is demonstrating great cooperation and adaptability.  Thank you, parents for adhering to our drop off and pick up routines and for remembering to wear a mask when on school ... Continue reading "Weekly Update – September 21-25"